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A. Description

  1. He is a personal being with intellect   2 Corinthians 11:3
  2. He is a personal being capable of emotion/vengeance  Revelation 12:17
  3. He is a personal being that expresses a will   2 Timothy 2:26

B. Names and Designations

  1. Lucifer (shining one) Isaiah 14:12
  2. Belial (wicked one)  2 Corinthians 6:15
  3. Satan or Adversary (the devouring one)  I Peter 5:8
  4. Slanderer  Revelation 12:9

C. Character, Origin, Defection

  1. He is a created being   Ezekiel 28:13
  2. He fell from a perfect position thru inward perversion   Ezekiel 28:15-17 
  3. He was overcome by pride 1 Timothy 3:6
  4. His personal desire was to be like God Isaiah 14:12-14
  5. He instigated the fall of mankind  Genesis 3:5
  6. He opposes God’s program in disobedience  Ephesians 2:2

D. Further Activities

  1. Seeks that which is God’s prerogative alone  Isaiah 14:12-14 
  2. Opposes and slanders and defames God  Genesis 3:4-5 
  3. Tempted the 2nd Adam in the wilderness  Luke 4:1-13 
  4. Weakens, Deceives, and Controls the Nations  Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 20:3, 1 John 5:19
  5. Unbelievers are subject to his control 2 Timothy 2:24-26
  6. Promotes false religious systems to lead men astray from truth  2 Corinthians 11:14-16
  7. Seeks to hinder believers  1 Corinthians 7:5
  8. Slanders believers   Revelations 12:10
  9. Promotes division among believers Ephesians 4:26-27, 2 Corinthians 2:6-11
  10. Affects the thoughts of believers  1 Chronicles 21:1

E. Judgement

  1. Cast out of heaven   Ezekiel 28:16
  2. Seed of the woman to crush him  Genesis 3:5
  3. Judged at the cross  John 12:31
  4. Will be confined during the millennium  Revelation 20:2
  5. Will be cast into the Lake of Fire which was prepared for him  Revelation 20:10

F. Limitations

  1. Job 1-2  Under the control of the Sovereign God
  2. James 4:7  Can be resisted successfully by believers
  3. I John 5:18  God preserves His own
  4. John 17:15  Jesus prays the Father to keep the believer from the evil one
  5. Ephesians 6:11  The believer has armor with which to stand against his schemes
  6. 1 John 4:4  Greater is He that is in the believer, than he (Satan) that is in the world.