LIBRARY SUGGESTIONS - Theology, Bible, Children, History, Missions, etc.
Read your Bible regularly. And look therein for Christ.
1. Scofield Study Bible (1917 KJV)
2. Scofield Study Bible (1967 Revision-may be the best)
3. Scofield Study Bible III NKJV
4. Newberry Bible
5. Ryrie Study Bible (NKJV/KJV)
6. JN Darby New Testament (full notes)
1. Believers Bible Commentary by William MacDonald (Nelson) [covers the entire Bible]
2. Notes on the Pentateuch by CH Mackintosh (Loizeaux, and others) [foundational gospel] (also his Treasury)
3. What the Bible Teaches (series by Ritchie Publishers) [book by book exposition OT and NT]
4. HA Ironside anything he writes on various topics and Bible Books (Loizeaux) His Song of Solomon is especially precious.
5. Romans Verse by Verse and Hebrews Verse by Verse by William Newell (Moody) Very well grounded
6. OT works by Charles Feinberg [scholarly at times but sound] (God Remembers, Minor Prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel)
7. Daniel, the Key to Prophetic Revelation by John Walvoord (Moody) [foundational for prophecy]
8. Isaiah and Old Groans & New Songs (Ecclesiastes) by FC Jennings
9. Treasury of David (Spurgeon) on the Psalms
10. The Most High God - Renald Showers on Daniel
Greek Interpretive Helps
1. Vines Expository Dictionary of NT Words
2. Dana and Mantey's Greek Grammar
3. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics Dan Wallace (Zondervan)
4. Kenneth Wuest's series Word Studies in the Greek NT (3 vol. Eerdmans)
5. Basic Greek in 30 Minutes a Day by James Found (Bethany) [the most simple basics]
6. The NKJV Greek - English Interlinear (Nelson)
7. Unholy Hands on the Bible (John Burgon) [Textual Criticism]
8. Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar (Mounce) [alternative to Dana/Mantey]
9. The Identity of the New Testament Text (Pickering) [Textual Criticismi]
Theology & Biblical Interpretation
1. Ryrie's Basic Theology
2. Scofield Study Bible notes
3. Here's the Difference by William MacDonald. (Gospel Folio) [Exquisite in the fundamentals]
4. Newberry Study Bible notes/helps
5. Dispensationalism (Revised/Expanded) by Ryrie
6. Ungers Bible Dictionary
7. Millennialism by Charles Lee Feinberg
8. The Millennial Kingdom by Walvoord (exquisite except the one error - 2 New Covenants, ignore that)
9. He that is Spiritual by Chafer
10. Major Bible Themes & Theology books by Chafer
11. An Introduction to Classical Evangelical Hermeneutics by Couch (Kregel)
12. What Christians Believe by William MacDonald [simple, concise, profoundly clear]
13. The Glory of the Ages by David Dunlap (Gospel Folio)
14. All works by JN Darby (warning-you must work to grasp his writing style)
1. Peace Child and Lords of the Earth by Don Richardson
2. Thinking Black and Back to the Long Grass by Dan Crawford
3. Angola Beloved by T.Ernest Wilson
4. The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piedmont by Samuel Morland
5. Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
6. Miller's Church History by Andrew Miller
7. The Pilgrim Church by Edmund Broadbent
8. The Life and Times of Martin Luther by D'Aubigne
9. Life of William Farel by F. Bevan
10. In the Heart of Savagedom (Rachel Watts) (on this web site)
11. Zvi (Elwood McQuaid)
12. Answers to Prayer (George Mueller)
13. Eldership by Alex Strauch
14. Robert C. Chapman (previously Brother Indeed) by Frank Holmes
15. Agape Leadership by Peterson
16. Scriptural Principles of Gathering by Alfred Gibbs
17. The Preacher and His Preaching by Alfred Gibbs
18. Christian Devotedness by Anthony Norris Groves
19. Collected Writings of JN Darby (various)
20. The Christian Assembly by JR Littleproud
21. The HeadCovering by Boyd Nicholson (Gospel Folio)
22. Unknown and Wellknown, Bio of JNDarby (Turner)
23. Letters of JNDarby (3 volumes) herein you learn the man's heart
24. Hudson Taylor (autobiography)
25. Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret (Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor)
26. A Thousand Miles of Miracle in China (Glover)
27. Irish Saint and Scholar (Bio of William Kelley, Edwin Cross)
Web Sites / Online
1. See our "Links" http://www.wheatlandbiblechapel.org/links-11
2. middletownbiblechurch.org
Childrens Books (mostly older children but varied ages)
1. Paula the Waldensian (Eva Lecomte)
2. Peep Behind the Scenes (Mrs. OF Walton, not the rewritten version)
3. Probable Sons (Amy LeFeuvre)
4. BJU Press Books & Readers
5. Christie's Old Organ (Mrs. OF Walton)
6. Teddys Button (Amy LeFeuvre)
7. They Looked for a City (Buksbazen)
8. Chronicles of Narnia (CS Lewis)
9. Ralph Moody Series (Little Britches, etc...secular)
10. The Hobbit (Tolken....secular)
11. In Search of a Song (Bible Truth Publishers)
12. Dr. Sa'eed of Iran (Rasooli)
13. Treasures of the Snow and Tanglewoods Secret (Patricia St. John)
14. Hidden Rainbow, Light from Heaven, Lucy Winchester, Search to Belong (Christmas Carol Kauffman
15. God's Smuggler (Brother Andrew)
16. Don Richardson's Peace Child & Lords of the Earth
17. Mimosa (Amy Carmichael)
18. Tan (Florence Davies)
19. Twig the Collie (Craig Massey)
20. Its a jungle out there (Ron Snell) the Jungle book series
21. The Stundists (Mrs. CA Wellesley)
22. Grandmas Attic series (Arleta Richardson)
23. Pilgrims Progress (Bunyan's original & Jean Watson illustrated & abridged version)
24. The Little Woodchopper (Sherwood)
25. Sunshine Country (Kristina Roy)
26. My Son, My Son (Bernard Palmer)
27. Little House on the Prairie series (Wilder...secular)
28. Shadow of the Almighty (E. Elliott)
29. The Preacher of St. Andrews (PJ DeZeeuw)
A great many of the above books are available at Bible Truth Publishers online.
1 JG Bellett
2 LS Chafer
3 CA Coates
4 Mal Couch
5 George Cutting
6 JN Darby
7 David Dunlap
8 Charles L Feinberg
9 Jim Flanigan
10 AC Gaebelein
11 Alfred Gibbs
12 Warren Henderson
13 HA Ironside
14 William Kelly
15 William MacDonald
16 CH Mackintosh
17 William Newell
18 John Ritchie
19 HL Rossier
20 Charles Ryrie
21 CI Scofield
22 Hamilton Smith
23 CH Spurgeon
24 WE Vine
25 John Walvoord
26 TE Wilson
27 Kenneth Wuest
Many more could be listed, pardon requested for any number of quality teachers/writers/preachers left out.